Canadian Relations?

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    mmTony Gunby

    Originally posted on 23 November 2012 by Tony Gunby

    This totem pole was presented to 57(R) Squadron by 426(T) Squadron in June 1995; the soapstone figure does not have any inscription. I suspect both were presented by the same unit (426(T)Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force) during exchange visits with 57(R) Squadron while it was the C130 Hercules Operational Conversion Unit at RAF Lyneham. Can anyone shed any light about the objects? Does anyone have any stories to share about this period in the Squadron’s history?




    mmTony Gunby

    Some time ago, Association Member Bruce McTrowe followed up on his post of 8 December 2013 (see below this post) with some more information about the totem pole:

    Hi Tony, this is a framed print I have of the 426 Squadron Badge. The following is the history of how I came to have this. Tony Lascelles was a neighbour of ours in Banff when I was growing up. My Dad told me the connection between him and the Squadron Badge. A few years ago another friend of my Dad’s told me about the book “Thunderbirds At War”. Reading it jogged my memory about the connection. When Tony’s son passed away another friend was executor of the estate. Going through papers he came across the letters and a print of the badge. He sent the original to 426 Squadron and made a copy for me. If you can find a copy of the book it is a good read. The author is Laurence Motiuk who was, and still might be, President of 426 Squadron Association. Reading the memorial section Cheryl and I were saddened to read about the passing of Lady Jess Broom and Buck Buckley. We met them at the reunions. At our first reunion Mervyn Davies said we were to meet a Lord and Lady, Sir Ivor & Lady Jess. What a treat!! Very nice folks. I had a copy of Clean Sweep and Sir Ivor signed it for me and I had my pic taken with him. We met Buck and his wife Kath and they became good friends. I have an account written by Joe Sherriff of Buck; Joe was also in 57 Squadron. He lived in Calgary and I met him and kept in touch with him. He passed on a few years ago and I went to his service not only as a friend but to represent 57/630. The list goes on of friends we met at the reunions but it gets shorter every year. We still have fond memories of the reunions and still do keep in touch with a few. My Dad, Arnold was a Mid Upper Gunner on 57 Squadron. His pilot was Phil Ainley. We have a maple tree and plaque in his memory at East Kirkby.

    This is the Canadian Bomber Command Clasp and ribbon with a pic of my Dad – Arnold – at East Kirkby in August1944. He had just turned 21 in July and celebrated at The Red Lion at East Kirkby.

    Cheers, Bruce

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by mmTony Gunby.
    mmTony Gunby

    Originally posted on 8 December 2013 by Bruce McTrowe

    In response to the query re The totem pole.It is amodel approx. 15 inches high presented to 426 Thunderbird Sqdn. RCAF. The Squadron Adjutant contacted a friend, Tony Lascelles who was field naturalist in Banff National Park.He could not supply a coloured picture, but sent some brochures and had the model totem pole carved. All of this info is in the book Thunderbirds at War by Laurence Motiuk. This Squadron flew Wellingtons, Halifaxes, and Lancasters. I have a framed copy of the original squadron badge. The motto was also proposed by Tony Lascelles; On Wings of Fire. Tony’s son was a good friend of my Dad’s. My Dad was on 57 Sqdn. Bruce McTrowe

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