Crew Reunion – written by Walt Scott and performed by Michael Howley (both of 630 Squadron)
Crew Reunion – written by Walt Scott and performed by Michael Howley (both of 630 Squadron)

Crew Reunion


Now here, we talk of many things,

Of joys and hopes, and soaring wings,

Seven men of different kind,

Within the ramparts of each mind.


Shadows of the past we see,

The youthful crew we used to be,

The sands of time still trickle, slow,

For seven friends of long ago.


Fellow creatures of the night,

There as one, in roaring flight,

Togetherness the golden spear,

To turn aside the sword of fear.


Suspended now in time and space,

Pleasure on each young-old face,

Voices, laughter, from the past.

Are reunited here at last.


For photographs, those ghosts of time,

With smiling wives, we pose in line,

Mirrored people, who will be,

Un-aging to eternity.


Muted farewells, eyes that smart,

As we meet, so we must part,

The earnest faces we all see,

Return to vaults of memory.


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