Old Airfield – written by Walt Scott and performed by Michael Howley (both of 630 Squadron)
Old Airfield – written by Walt Scott and performed by Michael Howley (both of 630 Squadron)

Old Airfield


I lie here still, beside the hill,

Abandoned long to nature’s will,

My buildings down, my people gone,

My only sounds, the wild birds’ song.

But my mighty birds will rise no more,

No more I hear the Merlin’s roar,

And never now my bosom feels,

The pounding of their giant wheels.

From the ageless hill their voices cast,

Thunderous echoes from the past,

And still in lonely reverie,

Their great dark wings sweep down to me.

Laughter, sorrow, hope and pain,

I shall never know these things again,

Emotions that I came to know,

Of strange young men, so long ago.

Who knows as evening shadows meet,

Are they still with me, a phantom fleet,

And do my ghosts still stride unseen,

Across my face, so wide and green.

And in the future, should structures tall,

Bury me beyond recall,

I shall still remember them,

My metal birds, and long-dead men.

Now, weeds grow high, obscure the sky,

Oh remember me when you pass by,

For beneath this tangled leafy screen,

I was your home, your friend, Silksheen.

Sitting , isolated, in my home at this very strange time, was so moved to listen to the poems about East Kirkby, or Silksheen as it was known and read the story about Flt Sgt.Parle and his gallantry medal in March 1944. My own father Flt Sgt Frank Hobbs – Radio Op, had flown out of East Kirkby only three days previous on 15th March 44 on a raid over Stuttgart – not to return – so it made for a very emotional afternoon. Such gallant men – what would they make of our world todayI wonder! At this time we have different battle to fight, God willing we will face up to its challenge as they did, win through and come out the other side together and stronger

Hello Barbara

The poems and Michael’s delivery are very evocative and full of emotion aren’t they? As you say, these are very strange times indeed, but I’m sure that those gallant men and women of yesteryear would expect us to knuckle down, pull together, and get through the other side – just as they did. Take care of yourself and stay safe. Very best wishes, Tony

Hello Tony lovely to hear from you and hope you also safe and well. Was hoping to be able to come for the reunion this year – did so enjoy 2018, however guess it’s not to be. God willing maybe 2021. All good wishes


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